
Please consider how you might be a part of our 2020 Stewardship Campaign. What part is God calling you to play in the ongoing story of Saint David’s Episcopal Church? Thank you for helping us stand together




Saint David’s

 Our Mission

Know Christ and make Him Known


Our Vision

Love Unconditionally
Serve Faithfully
Grow Spiritually





What is Renewal?  
Renew, renovate, repair, restore suggest making something the way it formerly was. To renew means to bring back to an original condition of freshness and vigor


Renewal of Spirit.


Renewal of Faith


Use this “fast from the Eucharist” to lead you to a renewal of your Faith.

Reflect how you may in this time reach  a deeper  relationship and understanding of God and what God has planned for you. 

Renewal of Community


Love and Care for Neighbor in Practical Ways:

What do the scriptures that command believers to “love your neighbor,” perform acts of “compassion,” or do “good deeds” mean in a practical sense? It means putting faith into action, such as caring for the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs that others may have.

Renewal of  our commitment to:
Time! Talent!! Treasure!!!


Time cannot be stopped, reversed or altered in any way. It is completely beyond our control, to be accepted “as is.” It is, however, a gift to be cherished, God has given each of us a certain amount of time. It is our responsibility to use that time wisely to build God's kingdom on earth. Good stewardship requires us to make the most of our time. In so doing, we make God the center of our lives. God is present whether we are spending our time at work, with family or just relaxing. Do I see stewardship as a way of life, recognizing that God is present at each moment of the day?



 Our loving Creator has given each of us special blessings: talents, skills and abilities. He has entrusted us to “steward” our gifts, calling us to use them to benefit others. Unlike time and treasure, which we may believe we have in short supply, our many, diverse

talents are a major, untapped resource that we are called to share with others - for our own sake and for the good of all humanity. Have I taken the time to discover what my talents are and how I can use them as a faithful steward?




We often hold onto our treasure with a firm grasp or a tight fist.  Though it can be difficult to let go, that is exactly what we are called to do (let go and give back to God the first portion of our treasure). By doing so, we acknowledge that all we have is a gift from God to be shared with others - for our own benefit and for the benefit of others. When we recognize that what we accumulate in this life does nothing to prepare us for the next life, it is easier to let go and use that treasure in ways that will pay dividends in heaven. Do I use my treasure for my parish, community charities, and the environment with which God has blessed me?


We have experienced significant physical and spiritual upheaval this year.  We remain unsure of when it stops and what our lives and our communities will look like then.  But there is light at the end of the tunnel even though the path ahead will have many challenges, some greater than those we have already faced, before the light of an accommodation with the COVID-19 virus will be reached. 

Overcoming those challenges will require a renewal of our commitment to our spiritual community and to our physical community.  Renewal means making new again and that is what our Saint David’s community have begun and will continue to do.  We start with a new rector, Jana; with a new means of conducting the service; with a new way of holding meetings; with a new look to the physical plant; with new means of supporting our communities; and with a renewed optimism. 

Jana is and will be our permanent rector, prepared to offer the comfort of a consistent, full-time physical and spiritual presence.  She is eager to renew the foundation of consistency and permanence that has been missing during this long interim process.   She is eagerly looking forward to a day when we can have in person services , and getting to know each and every member of our parish community.    

Saint David’s  Sunday services have been renewed by becoming on-line, offering you the opportunity to experience them without having a physical presence.  This has enabled many prior members who have moved away to rejoin their Saint David’s community.  Moving forward this has allowed us to view how we can renew our parish community in new ways that we may not have considered in the past. 

We have been blessed in that our income has exceeded our expense each year of the last 5 years.

Unlike many parishes we do not have an endowment to help cover when times are tight.


What is proportional giving?

The Biblical tithe (10% of income) is the basis of the idea of proportional giving, though any proportion can be used.  Proportional giving allows everyone to give at a level that reflects his or her resources.



How will you renew yourself for 2021? 

Join Saint David’s as we renew and remake ourselves
for the future.
