Mission and Vision

Mission: To know Christ and make Him known

Saint David’s Episcopal Church in Gales Ferry, Connecticut is a warm and caring parish, welcoming diversity in age, gender, race and background. We nurture the development of our children and youth, and we serve the people of southeastern Connecticut and beyond.

We are a parish of all ages and stages of Christian development, traveling together on a spiritual journey, offering many opportunities to foster a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ and to share that knowledge and love with all people.

We are an inclusive congregation in the mainstream of Episcopal tradition in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut’s Southeast Region. Our Christ-centered faith is reflected in inspirational liturgy, sacraments, prayer and joyful music. We have a firm commitment to provide Christian education and growth opportunities for all.

Outreach is vital to our parish. We proclaim our faith through deeds of love by the generous commitment of our time, energy, gifts, prayer and financial support to make Christ known within our church, community, country and the world, as we become the people that God calls us to be.

Vision Statements and Goals


Just as Jesus did, we welcome you no matter who you are, or where you came from. Jesus loved you regardless of your circumstances. We at Saint David's try to follow Jesus in his teachings about loving unconditionally. We will welcome you with open arms into our worship community.


We give of our time and talents, as God has given to us. We hope to set an example of serving faithfully, not only in our worship community, but in the local, state, national and worldwide communities.


 We are committed to spiritual growth, and offer an abundance of formation opportunities for adults, youth and children. Rooted in the Holy Spirit, we provide a strong foundation, centered in our belief in God and the glory of the risen Christ.