Music at Saint David’s

The Voices of Saint David’s:

At Saint David’s, we have hymns and service music at one service each Sunday throughout the year. The Voices of Saint David’s rehearse every week and sing for worship 3 times a month and for all special services.

Children’s Music at Saint David’s:

Each week, we have music for the Sunday School Children who learn new songs and also songs for the annual Christmas Pageant. The children are featured as they sing for worship on a regular basis.

Handbells at Saint David’s:

We have a full handbell choir and ensembles of 3 or 4. There is a handbell anthem once a month during worship.

 Special Musicians:

We encourage musicians to participate in worship here at Saint David’s, particularly for the following special services: A Service of Lessons and Carols which is held on a Sunday afternoon in December and our Good Friday service, The Seven Last Words of Christ held in the evening.